Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Real DreamBag...

We are starting a new series where we will have cheerleaders from Cheer Gyms around the country try out various cheer products and then VLOG about it. If You or your cheerleader are interested in participating or have an idea of a product that we should try out, send us a message and we will be in contact with you. :-)

Our second cheerleader is Sydney from Cheer Trixx Athletics out of  Indiana, Pennsylvania. This adorable little one is doing a VLOG on her team's Rebel DreamBag.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Cheer4Today introduces you to....... Jamberry!!!

Colleen Budlove is a Jamberry Nails Independent Consultant and she has put together a demo for Cheer4Today of Jamberry Products, how to correctly put the nail wraps on, and she even put together some color combos that will coordinate with your own cheer teams!  If you have any questions for her, are interested in purchasing some for your team, or you are interested in making some extra money as a consultant; please feel free to use her contact information that I have provided above.