Friday, September 7, 2018

Blogger Bryant - 9-7-2018

Hey everyone, it’s me again.

So an update since we last “spoke”, or rather I spoke and you kind of skimmed. We had a pretty hard practice, featuring that crazy woma- I mean Coach Meghan. I swear she’s trying to make us better, but every time I feel like I am about to die I look at her and she has a strange glint in her eye that scared me, as if she actually enjoyed watching me roll around our gym like The Blob. I woke up at 6:00am the next day for work and I swear.. I SWEAR for a second I thought I really was The Blob, because I told my body to move and instead it kind of jiggled and rolled out of bed onto the floor. I was walking through my office at work and my legs just stopped working. It made for an interesting sight for my manager when she walked out of her office and I was criss cross applesauce on the floor of the Riverboat Discovery massaging the cramp out of my thigh. 
A little vocabulary for all of the 30-45 year old moms reading this right now Tea started out as “The T” meaning the Truth and then later merged into the same meaning but spelled similar to the herbal drink. It opened up many idiomatic expressions relating to “the tea” such as spilling the tea which is gossiping. Anyways, there’s a little Tea in my gym right now about stunting, and specifically who is flying, and I am not really gonna get into it besides saying I'M OVER IT. Some people are upset that they aren’t flying, and all I have to say is that if you wanna get up there, arguing with the people that have the power to make that decision wont help you. Tensions are rising and I’m trying to dodge that bullet. 
Lastly we had choreography. Choreography was from 9:00am to 6:00pm but it was only one day. Honestly, it was a lot to learn but I didn’t feel NEARLY as exhausted as when Meghan pushes us, I mean really its more of a shove in front of a bus but tomato tamato. I really like all of my stunts and the tumbling pass is a little more unique than the default level two passes (front walkover round off backhand spring or round off two). The only thing I’m kind of sad about is that I don’t really do anything besides stunt even more during dance and usually I turn the show during dance so checks and balances I suppose. I can’t have it all. 

So in summary
  • Don’t sit on the floor at work if you don’t want funny looks from co-workers
  • Tea is the truth, the gossip, or the details while spilling tea is gossiping.
  • Don’t make my gym owner mad because she is the only person crazier than my coach (really she’s a wildcard)
  • You can’t have everything you want so just go with whatcha get

That’s all folks, and remember keep your tumbling tight and your flyers tighter. 

Loggin off

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