Hi cheer world!
My name is Alexis Barkley. I will be 22 on January 12th. I retired from cheerleading my senior year in 2016 and now I have a little 2 year old girl named Parker. This cheer season I decided to come out of retirement and join my old all star team, Cheer Trixx Athletics. The team I joined is an open level 4 senior team. Open team meaning a mixture of young and old combine forces to create an amazing, wonderful routine. That being said we have all ages from 13 to 25! Even though I have cheered since I was in kindergarten, returning to cheerleading after being off for four years and having a baby, it’s definitely been a crazy ride so far.
I have been very fortunate to have a gym full of amazing coaches who continuously choose to be so open and loving towards all athletes. My gym has been my second home and for that I am thankful. Recently during our crazy practices that are gearing us up for our big season, our coaches have offered us 10-15 minutes group circle to talk our our problems. This is a dedicated time to sit in a circle and release all of our anger, fears, and accomplishments. I can’t even begin to explain how much this has helped relieves the minds of many athletes and reduce the drama. We try to have team bonding monthly in an effort to remind our athletes how special each and every single one of them are to one another. In our gym, we are family. Our booster members go above and beyond constantly to make sure all athletes are well loved and cherished. Our first send off to our competition they rewarded us with special VIP lanyards and little trinkets.On January 10th-12th we will be traveling to Cleveland Ohio to compete at the Huntington Convention Center at the big Double Down competition. Even though we have already competed once this year, this will be our big first competition of the season. We make sure to condition to keep strengthening our bodies and having the energy to push forward. Every practice we practice perfecting our jumps and reaching the beautiful effortless over extended jumps you love to see.
We have a tiny team, mini team, two junior teams, a senior team, and an amazing adaptive team!
We are here to prove no one will ever stop us this season!
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