Hello Cheer4Today Readers, It's Jessica again. January was a really busy comp month for us at our gym and now that we are slowing down in February I have been thinking about my next cheer project. At the end of February we have our first 2 day comp of the year. For the 2 day comps I like to do something a little extra special. Its the first time we get the chance to stay at a hotel as a group and for our families who are new to travel cheer, this can be a bit overwhelming. I hope that some of my ideas will help relieve a little bit of that stress.
Idea #1
You can never go wrong with breakfast. I think that doing a goody bag centered around breakfast would definitely come in handy when you are staying over night at a hotel
Idea #2

Idea #3
Essentials to keep kids busy. Sometimes there is "down time" where they are sitting around waiting to go to warm up. If they had a bag full of things to keep them busy, their coach will be extremely grateful. :-) Some of the items you could put in the bag would be a puzzle book, a pen and paper, chap stick, playing cards, a disposable camera to snap pics with, etc... These might seem like simple things, but they will keep the typical cheerleader busy.
Keep Crafting,
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